Legal Support Services

KARACA CUSTOMS CONSULTANCY, representing successfully national and international valuable institutions regarding the foreign trade at customs offices and other connected public institutions and associations, has considerable experience and accumulation in demurrals for the technical, administrative and legal conflicts occurring during or before/after the process of fulfillment of the customs transactions of the wares between these institutions and the customs offices and in resolution/finalization of these.

With this experienced and accumulation earned in long years, KARACA CUSTOMS CONSULTANCY,

  • Primarily surveys the technical, administrative and legal conflicts faced with the customs offices by the risk control service formed within its organization and performs a conformity assessment, then as the result, prepares an assessment report related to the issue.
  • Evaluating this assessment report prepared together with legal experts specialists in the field of customs and foreign trade legislation whom it worked with for long years as solution partners, it performs the necessary works to resolve or remedy these conflicts and risks that may arise due to various reasons efficiently and in the right way.
  • In Karaca Customs Consultancy ultimate care is given especially in the matters of follow up of the durations for administrative demurrals and filing a case; all these durations and all other issues are recorded and followed digitally and all related parties are informed promptly on such and similar linked issues. The legal texts that shall provide the administrative and legal actions to be taken on time are designed and prepared in conformity to the Law in great accuracy and the works necessary for their application are performed with utmost care.

PRECEDENTS (CASE LAWS) given by the Customs Administrations and/or Courts that are the living and actual evidences of the past activities, casting light on both lawyers and the other establishing elements of the justice, judges and prosecutors regarding the application of the law, are checked and followed up at a single center among the firm in Karaca Customs Consultancy and archived both in traditional and electronic media. The preliminary works, reconciliation, administrative demurrals, administrative case durations and procedures and similar transactions regarding the conflicts arising from the application of the customs and foreign trade legislation between the firms we provide consultancy services and the customs offices are performed in the light of these archived precedents (case laws), and also by the infrastructure established within the organization of Karaca, it is provided that our customers may personally follow up and check the entire legal process of the technical, administrative and legal conflicts they face with the customs offices and other linked institutions and associations.

Among the legal support services of Karaca Customs Consultancy, the following services are also available;

  • Assessment of the conformity of the transactions established by institutions related to the Customs and Foreign Trade legislation to the Customs, Foreign Trade and Exchange Legislation, and if discrepancies are detected, correction or removal of these transactions by an administrative decree or subjecting them to an administrative legal case,
  • Making correction requests, demurrals at the customs offices, filing cases at tax courts and appealing court decrees at council of state level for the Customs Taxes and funds requested by the customs offices with the claim that they are not paid or paid in deficit during the import of the ware,
  • Regarding the denunciations made against our customers with the claim that any one of the smuggling acts indicated in the Law of Fight against Smuggling no. 5607 has been performed, performing the necessary assessments and preparation of the defenses.

In short, utilizing from the long years of knowledge and experiences of KARACA CUSTOMS CONSULTANCY has uncountable benefits regarding the protection of the businesses,remedying the victimizations and minimizing the costs.Karaca,accurately directs its esteemed customers in all the processes indicated above and experiences and have them experience the privilege of provision of professional Customs Consultancy and Foreign Trade Services.